If you are looking for passages designed to practice specific phonics skills within the context of lexile-leveled engaging texts, then this book is for you!!
Let's face it, there are many students in upper grades who still need direct instruction and practice on key phonics skills. These passages allow for that practice all while practicing reading fluency and comprehension.
These passages will give your students a chance to identify phonics skills as they read and enjoy high-interest passages with custom illustrations from Malaya Bengel Art.
Included in this Phonics Book:
- 8-10 phonics passages for practicing that specific skill.
- 82 total phonics passages!
- A/B multiple-choice questioning.
- Open-ended evidence-based question.
- Challenge activity to find evidence in the text.
- Custom Illustrations from Malaya Bengel Art.
- Digital Google Classroom Option.
- Link to answer keys and pdf printable version.
- CCSS and TEKS standards for grades 2-6.
- Professionally Leveled: Lexile, Fountas and Pinnell, Accelerated Reader, DRA, and Grade Level Equivalent levels all included!
I am BEYOND excited to now be partnering with Lexile and bringing you levels for the passages inside the Phonics Passages Book!
Now you'll be able to make teaching decisions for each passage based on the levels and student abilities.
- If the text is independent for students, have them work on it in a center, as an exit slip, review, homework, etc.
- If the text is instructional, use it in Guided Reading, partner work, in a strategy group, or as an intervention.
- If the text is advanced, use it as a mentor text or whole class read aloud.
These are just a few examples of instructional use.
Ideas for Use:
- As mentor texts during a whole group lesson on phonics.
- In a small guided reading group.
- In a grammar or word work center.
- As independent practice after a phonics lesson.
- As a homework review.
- Practice for taking standardized tests.
The 10 Phonics Skills Included:
- Consonant Blends
- Consonant Digraphs
- Consonant Patterns
- Diphthongs
- Letters and Sounds
- Long Vowels
- Phonics and Comprehension
- R-Controlled Vowels
- Short Vowels
- Silent Letters
What Teachers Are Saying