I have a few books that came in a bit less than perfect. I'm talking just a bit of cover bends or some black marks on the spine.
If you are looking for passages designed to practice specific comprehension skills, then this book is for you!!
Included in this Book:
- 144 comprehension passages for practicing 36 specific skills (4 passages per skill).
- A/B multiple-choice questioning.
- Open-ended evidence-based questioning.
- Challenge activity to find evidence in the text.
- Custom Illustrations from Malaya Bengel Art.
- 2 Digital Versions for every passage
- 2 Printable Options for every passage
- COMPLETE answer keys
- Memory Game for all 36 comprehension skills and definitions
- Posters for each skill
I am BEYOND excited to now be partnering with Lexile and bringing you levels for the passages inside the Comprehension Passages Bundle!!
Now you'll be able to make teaching decisions for each passage based on the levels and student abilities.
- If the text is independent for students, have them work on it in a center, as an exit slip, review, homework, etc.
- If the text is instructional, use it in Guided Reading, partner work, in a strategy group, or as an intervention.
- If the text is advanced, use it as a mentor text or whole class read aloud.
These are just a few examples of instructional use.
Ideas for Use:
- As mentor texts during a whole group lesson on comprehension.
- In a small guided reading group.
- In a comprehension center.
- As independent practice after a lesson on summarizing.
- As a homework review.
- Practice for taking standardized tests.
The 36 Comprehension Skills Included:
- Analyzing
- Author's Purpose
- Background Knowledge
- Cause and Effect
- Comparing
- Dialogue
- Drawing Conclusions
- Fact and Opinion
- Finding Evidence
- Illustrations
- Inferring
- Judging
- Main Idea and Details
- Making Connections
- Metacognition
- Opinions
- Perspective
- Predicting
- Problem and Solution
- Questioning
- Reader's Purpose
- Reflecting
- Sequencing
- Setting
- Speculating
- Story Structure
- Summarizing
- Synthesizing
- Tension
- Text Features
- Text Importance
- Theme
- Understanding Characters
- Vocabulary
- Visualizing
- Word Strategies